Theriot Family Dental

Posts for Tag: dental emergency

Sedation Dentistry Saved My Smile

I thought I’d post a letter of gratitude we received from a woman who is not our patient, but benefited from something she read on our blog. I’ve also posted our response. I just wanted to send a note to say thank you. I read on your blog about someone who, like me had trouble […]


Not Sure I Can Go Back to The Dentist

I grew up without going to the dentist. My parents weren’t neglectful. They tried but there just wasn’t enough money to go around. We had food, clothing, and lots of love. I recently finished college and was hired at a really good company that has dental insurance and had my very first dental appointment. It […]


Can’t Afford To Deal My Wisdom Tooth?

I cracked a wisdom tooth some time ago but didn’t really have the money to deal with it. Now it is decaying and I am still broke. The tooth is super sensitive. Is there a way to deal with this just with antibiotics? Kevin Dear Kevin, I’m sorry you are going through this. It’s always […]


Using Restraints on Children

I read that some dentists use restraints on children. I can’t imagine a scenario where that would be okay. Can you help me understand why that would ever be justified by someone who is not abusive? Karyn Dear Karyn, There are typically two types of restraints when it comes to pediatric dental care. The first […]


Why Can’t Dentist Get Me Numb?

Can you advise me? I have a lower central incisor that is infected and needs a root canal treatment. My dentist put a paste on it and did six shots. Even with all of that he wasn’t able to get me numb enough for the treatment. He refunded my money and wrote me a prescription […]