Did Crest Whitestrips Cause My Tooth to Need a Root Canal Treatment?
I have a tooth that had been damaged and pushed back. An oral surgeon had put it back in place. Recently, however, it had turned darker than the other teeth and some of the part up top by the gum had become exposed. I was embarrassed by the appearance and asked my dentist about it. […]
Can’t Afford the Dental Work I Need
I just finished several rounds of radiation and chemotherapy and my teeth are a mess as a result. I went to see my dentist and the list of work he said I needed is overwhelming. I left the office crying. Paying for my cancer treatment was hard enough. Now I don’t know how I am […]
Do I Need to See an Oral Surgeon for This Tooth Extraction?
I will admit to having a terrible fear of the dentist. Years ago, I had an infected tooth which needed a root canal treatment. I did the treatment but the experience was awful so I didn’t go back for the cap and the dentist never followed up. I thought I’d dodged a bullet, but now […]
Should I Keep My Last Two Teeth?
All of my teeth are gone with the exception of my two front teeth. I’m like a reverse eight year old. I wear partial dentures around them but they are bulky and uncomfortable. Some dentists are saying I’d be better off getting rid of those two last teeth and others are saying it is my […]
Space Maintainer Needed
My six year old daughter have two molars that have severe decay, which has broken them. My dentist is recommending that we extract them. I thought kids needed their molars for a long time, like until they are almost teenagers. Is this the right procedure for her? Should we do a root canal treatment instead? […]