I Want the Best Implant Supported Dentures
I am losing my teeth because of a serious car accident and want the absolute best. My plan is implant supported dentures, but I want to know what is the absolute best material and brand for the dental implants as well as the dentures. I don’t want a dentist short changing me on materials in […]
Teeth Slanted After Implant Bridge
I had a dental implant bridge placed. Since then, the right side of my bite seems fine. The teeth touch the way they’re supposed to. But, on the left side, the teeth don’t touch at all. Is this normal? It doesn’t feel right, but my dentist says the implants are perfect. Angie Dear Angie, No, […]
Luster Premium At-Home Teeth Whitening
I’ve seen some great reviews for a product called Luster Premium Whitening that you can do at home without a dentist. I am glad the reviews are good, which shows people’s teeth are getting whiter, but wanted to make certain it is safe before I actually use it. Can you tell me what you think […]
Question About Failed Dental Implant
I had a dental implant placed six months ago. It has since had to be removed. The dentist said it was an easy removal because the bone never integrated. One of the things I am concerned about is he also perforated the sinus cavity. He said only by a few millimeters and that it happens […]