Theriot Family Dental

Posts for Month: January 2025

White Spots on Teeth

Ever since I was a child I had white spots on the bottom of my teeth. They have always bothered me. I finally got up the courage to talk to my dentist about it. She said that my teeth are very healthy and I shouldn’t be so picky. Why should I try to fix what […]


Will Medical Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

I am having major problems with my dental issues. Periodontal disease means root planing/scaling every six months on top of my other dental care. I’m thinking it may be easier to just remove my upper teeth and get dental implants. Because this is due to a disease, would my medical insurance cover this? If so, […]


Is General Anesthesia Necessary for Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

My little sister is almost 17 now and one of her wisdom teeth is bothering her. Her dentist is suggesting that we extract her wisdom teeth with an oral surgeon under general anesthesia. When I was younger and had my wisdom teeth out, I had it done by a dentist. Have things changed?  Our parents […]


When Do I Change My Sick Son’s Toothbrush?

My son was just diagnosed with strep throat. I’ve already picked up his antibiotic but now I’m wondering if I change his toothbrush now or after the antibiotics? Or both? I don’t know how to handle sickness and toothbrushes. The funny thing is I never even considered this when it came to my toothbrush when […]