Theriot Family Dental

Posts for Tag: sleep dentistry

Sedation Dentistry Saved My Smile

I thought I’d post a letter of gratitude we received from a woman who is not our patient, but benefited from something she read on our blog. I’ve also posted our response. I just wanted to send a note to say thank you. I read on your blog about someone who, like me had trouble […]


Not Sure I Can Go Back to The Dentist

I grew up without going to the dentist. My parents weren’t neglectful. They tried but there just wasn’t enough money to go around. We had food, clothing, and lots of love. I recently finished college and was hired at a really good company that has dental insurance and had my very first dental appointment. It […]


I Can’t Afford Dental Implants

I’m in my mid-thirties and my teeth are a mess. My dentist is suggesting implant overdentures, but I just can’t afford them. I’m facing dentures before I’m even middle-aged. I’m an absolute mess over this. It’s the only part of my body that looks bad. I’m fit and take good care of myself. I just […]


Do I Need to See an Oral Surgeon for This Tooth Extraction?

I will admit to having a terrible fear of the dentist. Years ago, I had an infected tooth which needed a root canal treatment. I did the treatment but the experience was awful so I didn’t go back for the cap and the dentist never followed up. I thought I’d dodged a bullet, but now […]


Dentist Wants to Restore ALL of my teeth

I’ve gotten myself into a situation and now I’m having second thoughts. I have been having trouble keeping all of my teeth healthy. I have three that need dental crowns already. My dentist suggested that I have bad teeth and we should just crown all of them to save time. I don’t feel all that […]


Will I Lose My Memories with Dental Sedation?

I have a pretty extreme phobia of the dentist. They recommended I use dental sedation. At first, I was cool with that. But, then they told me that I would probably not even remember the appointment. Not to sound paranoid or anything, but that sort of terrifies me just as much. I was embarrassed to […]


I Can’t Eat But am Afraid of the Dentist

I need some advice. I have two teeth that hurt so badly that I cannot even eat anymore. I am in absolute agony. I know you are going to tell me to go to the dentist but I am absolutely terrified of them. Even just thinking about going makes me almost throw up, which I […]


Sedation Dentistry for a Recoverying Addict

I was a drug addict for many years. I went to rehab when I realized what I was doing to myself. I was 26 and looked like I was over double that age. I am on methadone maintenance while I deal with my recovery. In the meantime, I am trying to get my body as […]


Novocain Does Not Work for Me

I have a weird issue where Novocain doesn’t work for me. My dentist can give me seven shots to no avail and this has happened multiple times. As you can imagine, my dental health is struggling as a result. Why do dentists all use the same kind of numbing medicine? Can I have my dental […]


Did Dental Shots Cause My Problem?

I recently had to have a tooth extracted. At the time of the procedure, it took an incredible and excruciating number of shots to get me numb. I lost count at about twelve. Then, a few days later a bone spur appeared. I went back and the dentist took care of that, with more pain […]