Theriot Family Dental

Posts for Tag: Infected tooth

Is General Anesthesia Necessary for Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

My little sister is almost 17 now and one of her wisdom teeth is bothering her. Her dentist is suggesting that we extract her wisdom teeth with an oral surgeon under general anesthesia. When I was younger and had my wisdom teeth out, I had it done by a dentist. Have things changed?  Our parents […]


Problem with Pain and the Dentist Can’t Find Anything

Several years ago, I was in an accident that cause an exposed nerve in a tooth. I went in for an emergency root canal treatment. I was fine until a few weeks ago, when I started having terrible pain again to cold and hot. I waited a bit because of finances. By the time I […]


Should I Wait Three Weeks to Get My Tooth Extracted?

I have a fractured tooth that also now has an abscess. I’m supposed to have it extracted in three weeks and get it replaced with a dental implant but the abscess is really bothering me. I’m in so much pain and my face is swollen. I tried to get them to move up the appointment […]


Dentist Won’t Extract a Second Tooth

I had a root canal treatment done a couple of months ago on a top left molar and that tooth is still bothering me. I was also scheduled to have an impacted and infected wisdom tooth removed from the bottom left side of my mouth. I canceled the appointment because I wanted the dentist to […]