My Daughter’s Teeth are Rotting and She’s Only Six
I need some advice. I brush my daughter’s teeth every day, yet all of her molars have decay. She doesn’t cooperate with the dentist and I don’t know what to do. One of them looks like almost half the structure is gone. Do I do fillings? Crowns? Maybe it doesn’t matter because they’re baby teeth, […]
How Serious Is an Infected Tooth?
I had a molar break. It is not the wisdom tooth, but the one in front of it. I was short on money so put off going to the dentist. Plus, if I am being completely honest, then I will admit I’m not the best dental patient. This happened a week and a half ago. […]
A Misdiagnosis Led to a Dental Nightmare
I need some advice and think I should take some legal action here. I don’t have a regular dentist because of some dental anxiety I have and the fact that I am new to the area. I had a pretty bad toothache in tooth #19 according to a chart I looked up online. It was […]
Dentist Said to Get Rid of All My Teeth
I’m so upset. I grew up in a poor family that could not afford dental care. It was a long time into my own adulthood before I could afford to see a dentist, but I’ve finally been able to get a college degree and a good job. I’m in my 40s and the first thing […]
Affordable Dental Care for My Mother
My mom is in her 80s and has not taken care of herself in recent years. I’ve moved her in with me and noticed that she has been wincing when she eats. I asked her about it and she insists it is fine, that is it always like that. When I asked her how long […]
My Son Won’t Sit Still for the Dentist
I’ve taken my son to the dentist twice, but he just won’t sit still. Both times my dentist said, “We’ll have to try again next time.” So for both appointments, which they did discount for me, he’s not actually been evaluated. I don’t know what to do, especially since he now is complaining that one […]
I Can’t Eat But am Afraid of the Dentist
I need some advice. I have two teeth that hurt so badly that I cannot even eat anymore. I am in absolute agony. I know you are going to tell me to go to the dentist but I am absolutely terrified of them. Even just thinking about going makes me almost throw up, which I […]
Problem with Infected Wisdom Tooth
I had a terrible toothache and went to the dentist, even though I hate going to the dentist (no offense). He told me I had an infected wisdom tooth and I need to see a specialist. In the meantime, he provided me with some pain medication and antibiotics. I had just finished the antibiotics when […]
I Have Adult and Baby Teeth
I’ve only been to a dentist once in my life. I have both baby teeth (Lots of them) and adult teeth (all of them) in my mouth at the same time because most of my baby teeth didn’t come out but the adult teeth came in. It looks really weird because I am 15 years […]
I’m Suspicious of What Her Dentist is Saying
I’ve been having a toothache on and off for about two weeks. When I was finally able to pluck up the courage to go in, the dentist did x-rays and discovered a tooth that already had a filling was infected again. He said only about 10% of the tooth is viable and he needs to […]