Theriot Family Dental

Posts for Tag: root canal treatment

When Do I Change My Sick Son’s Toothbrush?

My son was just diagnosed with strep throat. I’ve already picked up his antibiotic but now I’m wondering if I change his toothbrush now or after the antibiotics? Or both? I don’t know how to handle sickness and toothbrushes. The funny thing is I never even considered this when it came to my toothbrush when […]


How Long Can a Root Canal Be Put Off

A while ago my dentist told me he thought my tooth needed a root canal treatment. I did not have enough money for one and he wasn’t willing to let me pay later, so it had to wait. I’ve been saving up. It’s been a while and now the tooth doesn’t hurt a bit and […]


Infected Tooth and No Money

I have a tooth that is very infected. My cheek is swollen. The problem I have is that I was laid off. I don’t have any extra money. I barely have enough to pay rent. My dentist does not take payments and I don’t know what to do. Is there a way to nurse this […]


Salivary Gland stone or Toothache?

A few weeks ago, I had some tooth pain on a tooth. My tooth had a mercury filling. As I was planning on switching out that filling anyway, I scheduled an appointment. The dentist replaced the filling but didn’t see a problem. I’m still having pain but now it is radiating to my ear. I […]


How Serious Is an Infected Tooth?

I had a molar break. It is not the wisdom tooth, but the one in front of it. I was short on money so put off going to the dentist. Plus, if I am being completely honest, then I will admit I’m not the best dental patient. This happened a week and a half ago. […]


Solution for An Ugly Tooth with No Root

Can you help me? When I was younger I had a tooth get hit pretty hard while playing pool with my brothers. The cue ball jumped right off the pool table and smacked me in the mouth. When it happened, my dentist said the tooth was fine. However, the older I’ve gotten the darker the […]


Can a Root Canal Treatment Be Re-Done?

I had a root canal treatment done a few years ago. Now the tooth is infected again. My dentist is saying we’ll need to re-do the root canal treatment. Before I agree to this, I have a few questions. First, I didn’t even know a root canal treatment could be done more than once. Second, […]


Her Dentist is Missing the Obvious

I had a bad fall that broke off about 1/3 of one of my front teeth while I was out of the country about three years ago. I had an emergency root canal treatment that removed the nerve from the tooth. When I got home, my dentist looked things over and said the work looked […]


How to Die From a Tooth Infection

I am deathly afraid of the dentist and haven’t been in years. My teeth have always seemed healthy. At least, I had not had any problems with them. A few weeks ago I was attacked. Somehow, they managed to strip a piece of my enamel off. It didn’t take long before my tooth started hurting […]


Getting a Refund When a Dentist Does It Wrong

I had a dental crown placed on a tooth. It was purely for cosmetic reasons. The tooth itself was healthy. A few weeks later it started hurting and was sensitive to hot and cold. I called the dentist and he said that was pretty normal for the first few weeks. I’d never had a crown […]