Dental Bridge or Removable Partial Denture
I am dealing with the consequences of gum disease and am losing some teeth, plus have some other loose ones. I was thinking to get a removable partial denture for the teeth, but my dentist wants me to get a 5 part bridge. That is a bit too expensive for me. Is there an important […]
Solution for An Ugly Tooth with No Root
Can you help me? When I was younger I had a tooth get hit pretty hard while playing pool with my brothers. The cue ball jumped right off the pool table and smacked me in the mouth. When it happened, my dentist said the tooth was fine. However, the older I’ve gotten the darker the […]
Is a Partial More Affordable than a Bridge?
I’m missing a molar on both sides of my lower jaw, and I know I can’t afford implants. So I’m deciding between bridges on each side, or a partial denture to fill those spaces. I’ve lost my dental insurance, so it’s out-of-pocket, so I really need guidance on the best option for me and my […]