I Think I Need Bone Grafting
I have had a dental bridge since I was sixteen years old. I can see bone loss in the area. My general dentist wants to do a dental implant instead. How do I know if I need bone grafting for the dental implant? My dentist hasn’t mentioned anything about that, but the bone loss worries […]
Is My Denture In the Right Place?
I am having a hard time with my dentures. They do not cover the area where I have my wisdom teeth were and I am chewing on my gums. My dentist seems to not think this is a problem. Am I wrong in thinking that they should cover this area? If I am, is there […]
Dental Implants and Gum Disease
I’ve been dealing with some gum disease. I’ve also lost two teeth from severe decay. I am hoping that I can replace those teeth with dental implants. My dentist says I am at risk of losing additional teeth as well. I’ve read dentures are not a good option, even though they cost a lot less. […]
Should I Keep My Last Two Teeth?
All of my teeth are gone with the exception of my two front teeth. I’m like a reverse eight year old. I wear partial dentures around them but they are bulky and uncomfortable. Some dentists are saying I’d be better off getting rid of those two last teeth and others are saying it is my […]
How to Prevent Facial Collapse with Dentures?
I am only in my late thirties and was recently diagnosed with a severe calcium deficiency. I am undergoing treatment. My teeth have always been a struggle for me and my dentist said that the calcium deficiency means I might as well give up and have all my teeth extracted and get dentures. I have […]
A Pretty Smile After 23 Years?
I’ve been wearing dentures for a little over twenty-two years. My smile has never been pretty as a result. I have seen people with dental implants that have very attractive smiles. I’d like to switch to those but don’t know if it is too late. Lucy Dear Lucy, It is never too late to […]
Is It Too Late To Get Dental Implants
I have had dental implants for a little over ten years. I finally have some money and wondered if it is too late for me to get dental implants. Mine haven’t been fitting well lately anyway so this seems like the perfect time. Have you had any experience with patients in my situation? Dave Dear […]
Is There a Soft Denture?
I have a denture, but the hard upper plate is making life miserable for me. Is there such a thing as a soft denture? Kat Dear Kat, While there is such a thing as a soft liner, there isn’t a pliable soft denture yet. The reason for that is the upper appliance has to be […]
Denture Teeth Won’t Stay In
I am only 53 years old. Having to get dentures when I did 15 years ago was hard enough on my female pride. Now I can’t even keep the dentures in. It is a humiliating situation. I went to my dentist about it, the one who’d originally given me the dentures and he said there […]