Theriot Family Dental

Posts for Tag: cheap dentist

“Cheap” Dentist is Costing Us a Fortune

My husband broke a tooth and we went in to see a dentist who advertised as being a cheap dentist. We’ve been having trouble making it financially because the economy is a disaster and everything costs more. He told us he would extract the tooth and then do a dental bridge. He also would get […]


Dentist Said to Get Rid of All My Teeth

I’m so upset. I grew up in a poor family that could not afford dental care. It was a long time into my own adulthood before I could afford to see a dentist, but I’ve finally been able to get a college degree and a good job. I’m in my 40s and the first thing […]


Cheap Dentist Is Costing Me a Fortune

I don’t have a lot of money so I go to a dental hygiene school to get my teeth cleaned. At my last appointment, they told me that I need a dental crown. I was dreading that because I had no idea how I would afford it. I started doing a search for a “cheap […]