Infected Tooth and No Money
I have a tooth that is very infected. My cheek is swollen. The problem I have is that I was laid off. I don’t have any extra money. I barely have enough to pay rent. My dentist does not take payments and I don’t know what to do. Is there a way to nurse this […]
A Disastrous Tooth Extraction
I went in to have several teeth extracted. I’m an anxious patient and so I used dental sedation. I ended up with two extra teeth being pulled than I was expecting. One of those back teeth perforated the sinus cavity. I didn’t find out that happened until the next day when I called to get […]
How Serious Is an Infected Tooth?
I had a molar break. It is not the wisdom tooth, but the one in front of it. I was short on money so put off going to the dentist. Plus, if I am being completely honest, then I will admit I’m not the best dental patient. This happened a week and a half ago. […]
Can a Root Canal Treatment Be Re-Done?
I had a root canal treatment done a few years ago. Now the tooth is infected again. My dentist is saying we’ll need to re-do the root canal treatment. Before I agree to this, I have a few questions. First, I didn’t even know a root canal treatment could be done more than once. Second, […]
Can’t Afford To Deal My Wisdom Tooth?
I cracked a wisdom tooth some time ago but didn’t really have the money to deal with it. Now it is decaying and I am still broke. The tooth is super sensitive. Is there a way to deal with this just with antibiotics? Kevin Dear Kevin, I’m sorry you are going through this. It’s always […]
Space Maintainer Needed
My six year old daughter have two molars that have severe decay, which has broken them. My dentist is recommending that we extract them. I thought kids needed their molars for a long time, like until they are almost teenagers. Is this the right procedure for her? Should we do a root canal treatment instead? […]
I’m Losing Teeth Because Of My Fear
I haven’t been to the dentist in years because of early childhood trauma. I was too difficult for dentists after that and my parents sort of gave up on taking me. As an adult, I continued the tradition. Now I have a tooth that is so decayed I am certain it will have to come […]
What Antibiotics Do I Need for My Tooth Infection?
A couple of years ago, I had a root canal treatment on a tooth infection. Then, the pandemic hit and I lost my job. I was not able to go back and afford the cap for the tooth. The filling part for the hole fell out. I was using store bought filling for a while, […]
Will a Tooth Infection Spread to My Brain?
I was told that I have a tooth infection. I was always taught by my mother that these are serious and should not be left untreated. They can even spread to your brain. The doctor just wrote me a prescription for an antibiotic and told me NOT to take it until a week before my […]
Can a Root Canal Infect a Salivary Gland?
My daughter has had two salivary glands which they cannot find a cause for. One of the things I am wondering about is whether or not a tooth that had a root canal treatment could be the cause. That tooth is near the salivary gland that keeps getting infected. Is it possible that the tooth […]