Baby Teeth Not Coming Out
My six year old is having trouble losing his teeth. Some of his adult teeth are coming in with his baby teeth still there. Some are all the way in, and are behind the baby teeth. Others are trying to find a place to come in. It looks like he’s going to have very crooked […]
Can I Get My Daughter Get a White Filling?
I’m a bit frustrated with my pediatric dentist. I’ve gone to him with all five of my children. He’s been our dentist for a LONG time. He’s always been kind and good to us. I’m just worried that he’s not keeping up with current practices. My youngest child, our fifth, needs a filling. He’s still […]
Baby Tooth Didn’t Come Out
I’m 14 years old and still have 2 baby teeth. My adult teeth are coming in. One is pushing on the baby tooth and one is coming in front of the baby tooth. My mom is thinking we might need to pull the baby teeth. Is this what I have to do? What will happen […]
Daughter’s Bonding Looks Terrible
I hope you can help me and my daughter. She just turned twelve and had a nasty fall on her bike. It damaged her two front teeth. The center is pretty well gone and the teeth just look like a frame around an empty hole. Her pediatric dentist suggested we do composite bonding to fill […]
Dental Flipper for Toddlers?
Can you help me? I am not sure what to do for my son. He is 3 years old and have to have his two front teeth removed because of an accident. I was, and still am, very worried about his teeth shifting. He’s already been without them for a few months. I mentioned getting […]
Space Maintainer Needed
My six year old daughter have two molars that have severe decay, which has broken them. My dentist is recommending that we extract them. I thought kids needed their molars for a long time, like until they are almost teenagers. Is this the right procedure for her? Should we do a root canal treatment instead? […]
Do I Need to Wait to Fix My Daughter’s Broken Tooth?
My elementary age daughter was playing outside and and tripped. This resulted in one of her front teeth breaking. I took her to the dentist and he told me that he could not fix her tooth for about a month. I was not thrilled about that wait period so I asked him for a recommendation […]
Can Teething Cause a Fever?
I have a child that keeps running fevers. He’s just about to cut his first tooth and a friend of mine with three children already said that the teething is probably the answer. She suggested that I cut his gums to get them through faster. I’m afraid I’ll do that wrong. Is any of this […]
Why Fill A Baby Tooth That Is Just Going to Fall Out?
I have a five-year-old son who loves sweets as much as I do. At his last visit, they found a few cavities on some of the back teeth. The dentist wants to fill them. I was wondering why that is necessary. If he’s going to start getting his six-year molars soon, why do these teeth […]
Is the Pediatric Dentist Prescribing Unnecessary Treatment?
My five year old son struggled with the family dentist we originally went to. He’d never stay still for his exams or x-rays. Somehow, the newer dentist was able to get him to sit and take the x-rays. I thought this new dentist was magic. They found a cavity, which didn’t surprise me too much […]