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Popular Misconceptions About Your Oral Health

Posted by nmcclees

Woman Shrugging The internet is a place of vast information. If you want to know about any subject at all, you can learn about it online. Unfortunately, not everything you read online is true. Sometimes this information isn’t false, but it can certainly mislead the reader or viewer. We hear misconceptions about oral health in our office all the time! We’ll talk about some of what we hear and set the record straight on what is correct.

White Teeth Are Healthy Teeth

Everyone loves a bright, beautiful smile. While a bright, white smile certainly appears healthy, whiter teeth are not always healthier teeth. Over time, teeth can become discolored through staining or damage. Several whitening products on the market can remove stains from teeth, but they do not address any underlying causes such as damage. If you would like a whiter smile, talk with your dentist first.  They will be able to treat any underlying issues that could be keeping your smile from being as bright as you’d like. 

My Oral Health Isn’t Related to My Overall Health

Your oral health is a good indicator of your overall health. A mouth with severe tooth decay or gum disease is more likely to cause bacteria to enter the bloodstream. This can result in other issues. Studies have linked poor oral health to heart disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. So, be sure to pay attention to your oral health as part of your overall health.

The Harder I Brush, The Cleaner My Teeth Are

It would seem the harder you scrub something, the cleaner it gets, right? When it comes to your oral care, this is wrong. When you don’t brush gently, you risk damaging your tooth enamel and gum tissue -both of which can lead to further problems in the future. Be sure to take it easy.

I Don’t Need to Floss My Teeth Every Day

Did you know that only about four in ten Americans floss their teeth daily? That’s unfortunate because flossing removes up to 80 percent of plaque. Plaque leads to tooth decay, so getting rid of plaque by flossing is an integral part of your oral care routine.

It’s Normal for My Gums to Bleed

Gums bleed while brushing or flossing due to inflammation. This inflammation is generally caused by excessive plaque buildup, gingivitis, or gum disease – none of which are healthy causes. So, it is not normal for your gums to bleed.

I Don’t Need to Worry About My Child’s Baby Teeth

Oral health in children is essential. Those little baby teeth provide the necessary space for permanent teeth to line up under the gums and grow in properly. If baby teeth are not cared for properly, it can lead to decay and cavities, and ultimately, children could lose their teeth much sooner than they should. This disrupts natural space maintenance. Poor oral health early on can also lead to poor oral health later in life, which can lead to more severe and expensive dental issues.

If I Don’t Brush, Chewing Gum Will Do the Job

Many chewing gum brands advertise cleaner teeth and better breath. That’s partially true.  Gum can help keep your teeth cleaner in the short-term and in between meals. However, it’s no substitute for cleaning your teeth properly by brushing and flossing at least two times a day.

Eating Sugar Will Give Me Cavities

Did a parent ever tell you no to candy citing the reason as you would get cavities? This is probably one of the most common dental myths there is. Many of us grew up hearing this and have believed it our whole lives. Did you know, it isn’t true? While sugar contributes in leading to cavities, it’s not the sugar itself that causes them. You see, sugar attracts bacteria. That bacterium produces an acid that causes tooth decay. So, it’s the acid-producing bacteria that causes the cavities, not the sugar itself. By ensuring you brush and rinse after eating (especially sugary treats), you will be able to reduce the number of acid-producing bacteria in your mouth,  preventing cavities.

Diet Soda Is Just Fine for My Teeth Since There’s No Sugar

Even though diet sodas have no sugar, they are highly acidic. Diet soda has a pH level of about 2 to 3. For a frame of reference, water is neutral at a pH level of 7. Battery acid has a pH level of 0. So, your sugar-free soda falls closer in line with battery acid than it does water. Oof! This acid can eat away at tooth enamel, which can cause sensitivity and cavities. Even worse, since it’s common to slowly sip on a drink throughout the day, these acids tend to remain in the mouth for longer periods of time.

I Don’t Need to See the Dentist Unless I Am Having a Problem

As mentioned above, your oral health affects your overall health. Prevention is better than cure, and it is certainly easier and less expensive. A dental exam is the best way to spot trouble before it starts. So, even if you aren’t experiencing a problem, we still recommend seeing a dentist twice a year for regular cleanings and exams.

Whether you need to get better about preventative care, or if you are experiencing problems with your oral health and need help getting back on track, we’re here for you!  Making an appointment is easy.  We hope to see you soon!