Theriot Family Dental

Archive: Root Canals Explained

Root Canals Explained

While root canals are a common and highly effective procedure for saving damaged or infected teeth, they sometimes evoke fear or anxiety in dental patients. This worry generally stems from fear of the unknown for patients who have never experienced a root canal before. We’re here to help take the mystery out of the procedure […]


How Can You Tell If You Have a Cavity?

  Discovering you have a cavity isn’t something anyone looks forward to. Unfortunately, the reality is that among adults aged 20 and older, about 90% have had at least one cavity. In other words, cavities are common. So, what are the signs you need to see your dentist to have a cavity filled? 1). The […]


Healthy Teeth, Happy Life: The Connection between Oral Health and Well-Being

Do you know that the health of your teeth and gums is not just about having a radiant smile, but it also plays a crucial role in your overall well-being? In this article, we’ll discuss the relationship between the two. The Oral-Systemic Connection The mouth is often considered the gateway to the body and for […]


8 Common Dental Complaints (& What to Do About Them)

Dental ailments can come in many forms, some being more complicated than others. If you prepare yourself with the knowledge of how you should handle them should they happen to you, you can help to ensure the best outcome. We’ll discuss some of the most common dental issues and complaints that we see and hear […]


Do I Really Need to See the Dentist Every Six Months?

  Your teeth are one of the most important aspects of your appearance.  Your smile is one of the first things other people notice about you.  If you aren’t experiencing any dental issues and are happy with the appearance of your smile, do you really need to visit the dentist every six months? The answer […]


Avoiding the Dentist Due to Anxiety or Fear? Sedation Dentistry Can Help.

It’s human nature to seek pleasure and avoid pain. In most cases, a visitto the dentist doesn’t fit into the pleasure category. Routine dental visits are the biggest step in preventative care to avoid any major dental work down the road. However, only about 50% of adults report that they visit the dentist every six […]


Popular Misconceptions About Your Oral Health

The internet is a place of vast information. If you want to know about any subject at all, you can learn about it online. Unfortunately, not everything you read online is true. Sometimes this information isn’t false, but it can certainly mislead the reader or viewer. We hear misconceptions about oral health in our office […]


Wise About Wisdom Teeth

With age comes wisdom. Also, wisdom teeth. When most people think about wisdom teeth, they think of stories they have heard from family and friends about having them removed, looking like a chipmunk, and getting to drink milkshakes. But what are wisdom teeth? Why do we have them? Should they be kept or removed? We’ll […]


Did You Know? Certain Foods Can Naturally Help Whiten Your Teeth Over Time

Up to 80% of Americans have said they would like to have whiter teeth. Rightfully so. A whiter smile is more attractive and can make you feel more confident. At Theriot Family Dental Care, we offer both at-home and in-office teeth whitening options. While professional teeth whitening products are faster and more effective, did you […]


All About the Tooth Fairy

The Tooth Fairy is quite the fan favorite among our younger patients. With good reason! What’s not to love about a cute little fairy that takes lost teeth from underneath pillows and leaves behind money? We’ve heard various origin stories of the Tooth Fairy. A fairytale in 18th century France, La Bonne Petite Souris, tells […]