Theriot Family Dental

Posts for Category: Dental Implants

Will Medical Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

I am having major problems with my dental issues. Periodontal disease means root planing/scaling every six months on top of my other dental care. I’m thinking it may be easier to just remove my upper teeth and get dental implants. Because this is due to a disease, would my medical insurance cover this? If so, […]


My Dental Implant Teeth Look Fake

I needed to get some dental implants. The implants were placed fine, but I’ve had trouble getting the bridge. First, there was some problem at the lab, so it took over a year to get the bridge in. Once it finally did come in, I was horribly disappointed. They look overly white and the color […]


I Think I Need Bone Grafting

I have had a dental bridge since I was sixteen years old. I can see bone loss in the area. My general dentist wants to do a dental implant instead. How do I know if I need bone grafting for the dental implant? My dentist hasn’t mentioned anything about that, but the bone loss worries […]


Getting Four Front Teeth to Look Right With Dental Implants

I have a porcelain bridge for my four front teeth. It is time to replace it and I wanted something both more permanent and more esthetic looking. I am a bit concerned. I chose four separate dental implants one for each of the teeth. He’s actually going to do two extra crowns on the canines […]


Dentist Cannot Match My Implant Crown

I am having a hard time getting my dentist to match my dental implant crown to match the rest of my teeth. I’ve had him re-do it twice already and he said if he has to re-do it again I risk losing the dental implant, which I definitely don’t want to do. He feels I […]


Can You Get a Dental Implant with Fosamax?

I lost an upper tooth and was hoping to replace it with a dental implant. My dentist said that because I am on Fosamax that I am not a good candidate for a dental implant. Currently, I am wearing a dental flipper. I’ve been trying to research options. Is an Encore Bridge do-able for someone […]


Solution for An Ugly Tooth with No Root

Can you help me? When I was younger I had a tooth get hit pretty hard while playing pool with my brothers. The cue ball jumped right off the pool table and smacked me in the mouth. When it happened, my dentist said the tooth was fine. However, the older I’ve gotten the darker the […]


Dealing with a Dental Implant Disaster

I cracked a tooth and my dentist told me it couldn’t be saved. He pulled it right then and there and I had little time to prepare. He gave me some Novocaine shots which freaking hurt and left me with burning in my mouth and tongue. He told me that was normal and we scheduled […]


What Do I Do If I Still Have Baby Canine Teeth?

Hi, I’m 16 years-old and am still dealing with baby canine teeth. Last year, I took out my bottom ones and had these empty spots because my adult teeth came too far back and almost behind the lateral incisors. Because of that I am scared to remove the upper ones. I don’t want to look […]


Should I Switch Implant Dentists in the Middle of the Procedure?

I had two teeth in need of dental implants. Thus far, I have had the bone grafting done to build up the bone in that area because those teeth had been missing for some time and I was using a removable partial denture for them. I wanted something more permanent. After the bone grafting, he […]